About Me

Hey There! I'm @Rosa-Sinensis (Aliff Norisman), currently in my 3rd year of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at University College London (UCL). I'm a big believer of learning by doing hence why I love to try different things and get my hands dirty.

I do not have a specific interest in one particular area, but I have what I call a "sporadic interest"; an interest in different domains which acts as a function of time. At the moment (and for at least the next 5 years), my current interests are mainly in:

1. Clean Energy
- The role of Artificial Intelligence in reducing emission and energy optimisation.
- Understanding the intricacies relationship behind the energy trilemma.
2. Sustainable Farming
- Learn on how different technologies are used and integrated for farming mainly in urban areas.



  • Python
     -> Machine Learning
     -> Animation
  • C++
     -> Microcontroller
  • Verilog
     -> Digital Design
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
     -> Website Development


  • Fusion360
     -> 3D CAD
  • DipTrace
     -> PCB CAD
     -> Data Analysis
  • RoboDK
     -> Industrial Robot

Pastime Activities

Sit and do nothing

Watch Formula 1



Why Rosa-sinensis?

I prefer to use nickname when being online as it offers much more privacy. And the nickname that I usually go for must carry its own meaning, and not a completely random word. Hence, Rosa-Sinensis.

Rosa-sinensis is the species name of one type of hibiscus (as hibiscus itself has a lot of species) that is known as tropical hibiscus, which can be found easily in my home country, Malaysia. And yeah, it is our national flower. Hence, wearing this nickname does sort of give me an identity of where I came from when being online.

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